Diabetic Eye Exams
in Calgary

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Diabetes & Your Eye Health

If you have diabetes, you’re probably aware of its effect on your health and lifestyle. However, diabetes can also affect your eye health over time.

That’s right; diabetes can increase the risk of several eye conditions and diseases, some of which may lead to permanent vision loss. You can help preserve your sight by having regular eye exams and requesting your next appointment at Downtown Vision Care today.

What Is the Connection?

So how does diabetes affect your eyes?

High glucose levels, or sugar, in your bloodstream can increase the risk of several health concerns, including some that affect blood vessels in your eye, which can lead to retinopathy, edema, and cataracts.

Our team can detect these issues during a comprehensive eye exam. Depending on the severity of your diabetes, we recommend eye exams every 6-12 months to help monitor your eye health while living with diabetes.

How We Can Help

Our eye care technology examines your retina, the back area of your eye responsible for translating light into sight.

Our optical coherence tomography device provides us with cross-sectional images of your retina—like an ultrasound for your eye—while Clarus widefield retinal photography provides us with digital images of your retina. Both devices can help us detect:

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common eye diseases related to diabetes. It occurs when high glucose levels damage your retina’s blood vessels, causing them to bulge, break, and leak fluid into your retina.

The disease typically develops slowly, but it could lead to permanent vision loss without treatment. In severe cases, diabetic retinopathy could increase the risk of retinal detachment.

Diabetic macular edema can occur as a result of diabetic retinopathy. As fluids leak from your retina’s blood vessels, they can accumulate under your macula and cause it to swell, damaging it and leading to possible vision loss.

Your macula provides the central sight you use to read, write, drive, and even recognize faces.

Diabetes can also increase the risk of other eye diseases and conditions, some of which could lead to blindness or permanent vision loss. Some of the most common include:

Preserve Your Eye Health & Vision

We want you to enjoy your vision. Get help preserving your eye health today and request your next appointment with the team at Downtown Vision Care.

Our Location

Our Address

  • #243, 414 3 St S.W.
  • Calgary, AB T2P 1R2

Contact Information

Hours Of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed


Parking is available in the Calgary Place Parkade. The entrance is off 4th Ave. SW across from the Keg. There is a height limit of 5’11”. Please register your license plate number with the front desk when you arrive at the office.

Our Blog

Check out our Blog for news updates and eye care tips!

Do Computer Glasses Help with Eye Strain?

Eye Health

At Downtown Vision Care, we understand that in today’s technology-driven workplace, many professionals experience discomfort after long hours of screen use. This condition, commonly referred to as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome, manifests with symptoms such as dry eye disease, blurry vision, headaches, and even neck or shoulder pain. With the increasing prevalence […]

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February 28, 2025
Dr. Sherri Norris

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration?

Eye Disease

Macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss, especially in adults over the age of 50. recognizing the early warning signs can make a significant difference in preserving your sight.  What are the early signs of macular degeneration?  What Is Macular Degeneration? Macular degeneration affects the macula—a small, but critical part of the retina […]

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February 28, 2025
Dr. Sherri Norris

Can Presbyopia Be Reversed?

Eye Health

Presbyopia is a condition that can subtly sneak into your life as part of the natural aging process. Around age 40, you might notice that reading small print or focusing on nearby objects becomes more challenging. Because presbyopia is age-related, you can’t reverse it. Treatment usually involves reading glasses or, if you already have a […]

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December 2, 2024
Pulled drawer of glasses frames at Downtown Vision Care.

At Downtown Vision Care, we understand that in today’s technology-driven workplace, many professionals experience discomfort after long hours of screen use. This condition, commonly referred to as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome, manifests with symptoms such as dry eye disease, blurry vision, headaches, and even neck or shoulder pain. With the increasing prevalence […]

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Sunglasses wall at Downtown Vision Care in Calgary.

Macular degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss, especially in adults over the age of 50. recognizing the early warning signs can make a significant difference in preserving your sight.  What are the early signs of macular degeneration?  What Is Macular Degeneration? Macular degeneration affects the macula—a small, but critical part of the retina […]

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A woman sitting on a couch and straining to read a book held at arm's length.

Presbyopia is a condition that can subtly sneak into your life as part of the natural aging process. Around age 40, you might notice that reading small print or focusing on nearby objects becomes more challenging. Because presbyopia is age-related, you can’t reverse it. Treatment usually involves reading glasses or, if you already have a […]

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